CONFERENCES at SPECOLA: Monthly meetings of astronomical dissemination promoted by:
- INAF - Observatory of Astrophysics and Space Science
- Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"
- Museum of the Specola - SMA
Luca Angeretti: Sofos APS and Fucina XXI APS
Brief History of Time - From Stonehenge to the Atomic Clock, through sundials and solar clocks
Richard Feynman once said, “It doesn’t matter what time is but how you measure it.”
We, following his advice, will go to the discovery of how the perception and measurement of time has changed... over time. A story that starts from simple observations of cosmic phenomena and soils, which determine an absolute but very inaccurate and irregular time, and comes to our days when it is the immensely small one to mark the regular and precise, but relative, ticking of our clocks.
Between these two extremes there are a thousand other instruments, such as sundials, solar clocks and calendars, which make “visible” that fourth dimension in which we move and which we call Time.
Free admission while seats are available.
To facilitate participation, a part of the seats will be bookable from 8:00 am on May 6th
and the remaining seats will be accessible on the day of the conference
To book fill in the form that will be active from 6 May at 8:00 until the day of the conference at 12:00
at the link