The Department's governing bodies
Head of the Department: Prof. Andrea Cimatti
The Head of Department represents the Department. He acts as chairman of both the Department Council and of the Department Board, takes care of the accomplishment of the Department’s research programs as well as the Department’s administration and accounting activities.
The Head of Department is elected by the Board among full and out of office professors for a term of office of three academic years and his mandate can be renewed only once; he promotes and watches over the Department’s activities according to the regulations in force; he acts as link between the Department and other Academic bodies.
Furthermore, the Head proposes the yearly research plan of the Department, provides Professors and Researchers the means to train PhD candidates and thesis students and takes care that relevant Administrative and Technical services are properly carried out.
Deputy Head of the Department: Prof. Federico Boscherini
The Deputy, appointed among the Department’s full professors, supports the Head activities and has power to sign as Head in case of absence or temporary impediment of the same.

The Department Council
The Council plans and coordinates research, teaching and third mission activities of the Departement of Physics and Astronomy.
The Department Council consists of:
- the Head of Department, acting as President;
- the Department Administrative Manager, acting as Secretary;
- all Department Professors and Researchers;
- technical and administrative staff representatives, in a 10% ratio with Professors and Researchers;
- student representatives, in a 15% ratio with Professors and Researchers, according to students’ representatives elections regulations;
- 3 research fellow representatives.
The Head of the Department may ask to participate to Council sittings - as auditors - scholarships and grant fellows, research collaborators and in general whoever is performing or is interested to scientific and/or teaching activities in the Department, especially public research institutions supervised by MIUR.
The Department Board
The Department Board assists the Head of the Department in his activity, with decision-making functions on specific topics delegated by the Department’s Council and on all topics not of exclusive competence of the Council (art. 9) or of the Head of Department (art. 6), according to University regulations.
The Board consists of:
- the Head of Department, acting as President;
- the Deputy Head of Department;
- the Department Administrative Manager, acting as Secretary;
- 9 Professors and Researchers, elected in equal composition among faculty categories;
- 3 Professors and Researchers appointed by the Head among coordinators of consultive commissions;
- 2 technical and administrative staff representatives, elected among the Council’s representatives;
- 2 student representatives, elected among the Council’s representatives;
- 1 research fellow, elected among the Council’s representatives.
The election of said representatives takes place with votes limited within single components.
The Department Board is renewed every three years.