Awards, Honours and Prizes for Students
Have you received an award, honour or prize? Fill the form in, and we will publish it on the webpage.

Jan 2025
Scholarship from Microbiogas Italia
Paule Mikaelle Happy
The student Paule Mikaelle Happy received a scholarship, for a work on the production of biochar for agriculture carried out in Burundi, interesting for its environmental, social and economic sustainability features. The event was held in an atmosphere of confrontation between the territories involved, Ravenna and Piacenza, in the presence of the two reference Technopolises and the DIFA professors and researchers, who have been working with the company MiscroBiogasItalia for some time.

SEPT 2024
SISFA 2024 Graduation Award - Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy
Matteo Boni
Award for a Thesis in the History of Physics and/or History of Astronomy by the Italian Society of Historians of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA), funded by member Leonardo Gariboldi in memory of his parents. Graduation Award for students who have completed a Master’s Degree (or equivalent old system degree) or Bachelor’s Degree at an Italian university in the 2020-21 academic year or later, with a thesis (in Italian or English) on topics in the History of Physics and/or History of Astronomy.

DEC 2023
Merit Degree Award A.Y. 2021/2022
Alma Maters Studiorum Università di Bologna
Leonardo De Deo
Award to the graduates of the academic year 2021/2022 who have achieved significant results in their studies and, concurrently, have committed themselves to benefiting the community.

SEPT 2023
Scholarship: "More Women in Physics"
National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN)
Noa De Cristofaro
The recognition, intended for female students enrolled in the first year of the Master's Degree Program in Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Fundamental interactions and in Applied physics, was established by INFN as part of the "More Women in Physics" project to promote and support girls in the study of physics, encouraging synergies between universities, the research community, and industry. The additional aim is to increase the presence of women in the world of research and work and their active participation in the economic and social life of the country.

DEC 2022
Second Best Communication - 107th National Congress of the Italian Physical Society
SIF - Italian Society of Physics
Lorenzo Miani
Award for the Second Best Communication in the Didactics and History of Physics sector at the 107th Congress of the Italian Society of Physics, titled "Highlighting interdisciplinarity between physics and mathematics in historical papers on special relativity: Design of blended activities for pre-service teachers."

JUNE 2022
Graduation Award in Memory of Professor Annamaria Cartacci
University of Florence
Lorenzo Miani
Graduation award granted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Florence, with the contribution of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), dedicated to the memory of Professor Annamaria Cartacci, to commemorate her commitment to the education of young researchers in the field of physics education. The award was granted for the best master's thesis in the field of 'didactics and history of physics' discussed in the year 2021 in Italy.