Awards, Honours and Prizes for Researchers and PhD Candidates

OTT 2024
GENTEC-EO 2024 Laser Lab Award - GENTEC Electro-Optics (Canada)
Gabriele Umbriaco
The 2024 GENTEC-EO Laser Lab Award provides 12 academic institutions with industrial-grade equipment for their study programs. GENTEC Electro-Optics is a Canadian company specializing in the measurement and analysis of laser beams and terahertz sources. For 50 years, it has been synonymous with research and innovation, developing and providing cutting-edge technology for the laser market. This award underscores the company's commitment to providing students with high-quality measurement instruments, fostering hands-on learning experiences that meet industry standards. Among numerous applications received globally, the University of Bologna was selected as one of the 12 winners for demonstrating the greatest potential impact on the educational process. As part of this recognition, the Department received a PRONTO-SI free of charge: a compact, NIST-calibrated laser power detector valued at €1300.

JAN 2022
Gratton prize (XV edition)
Gratton family and Associazione Eta Carinae
Cecilia Bacchini
A biannual prize awarded by an international committee for the best PhD thesis in Astrophysics carried out in an Italian university. The prize is organised and sponsored by the Gratton family and Associazione Eta Carinae, together with Associazione tuscolana di astronomia, Frascati municipality, and the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF). The 2022 prize was awarded to the thesis “Star formation law and gas turbulence in nearby galaxies” by Cecilia Bacchini, supervised by prof. Filippo Fraternali (University of Groningen) and prof. Carlo Nipoti (University of Bologna).

MAY 2021
2020 IAU PhD Prize
International Astronomical Union (IAU)
Cecilia Bacchini
The prize is awarded annually by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in recognition of the most remarkable PhD thesis in Astrophysics done in the previous year. The thesis “Star formation law and gas turbulence in nearby galaxies” by Cecilia Bacchini, supervised by prof. Filippo Fraternali (University of Groningen) and prof. Carlo Nipoti (University of Bologna), was awarded the prize in the Division “Interstellar matter and local Universe”.

NOV 2018
The AGLC 'Licio Cernobori' Award
Licio Cernobori Association for Geophysics; EAGE-SEG; Italian Geophysical Union
Massimo Nespoli
The Licio Cernobori Association for Geophysics – AGLC was founded on 30 October 2000 to remember Licio Cernobori, a geophysicist who died prematurely, who ranged from seismology to seismic studies, always keeping his enthusiasm for research intact and involving his younger colleagues. The award assigns three prizes of €700 each for as many GNGTS Themes (Geodynamics, Seismic characterization of the territory, Applied Geophysics), in which young researchers aged no more than 35 years can compete and present as first authors and speakers a scientific work in theoretical and applied geophysics at the GNGTS Conference.