Scientific publications
Lara Lamon; Jonathan Rizzi; Antonio Bonaduce; Clotilde Dubois; Paolo Lazzari; Leila Ghenim; Slim Gana; Samuel Somot; Laurent Li; Donata Melaku Canu; Cosimo Solidoro; Nadia Pinardi; Antonio Marcomini, An ensemble of models for identifying climate change scenarios in the Gulf of Gabes, Tunisia, «REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE», 2014, 14, pp. 31 - 40 [Scientific article]
P. Oddo; A. Bonaduce; N. Pinardi; A. Guarnieri1, Sensitivity of the Mediterranean sea level to atmospheric pressure and free surface elevation numerical formulation in NEMO, «GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT», 2014, 7, pp. 3001 - 3015 [Scientific article]
Michela De Dominicis; Silvia Falchetti; Francesco Trotta; Nadia Pinardi; Luca Giacomelli; Ernesto Napolitano; Leopoldo Fazioli; Roberto Sorgente; Patrick J. Haley Jr.; Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux; Flavio Martins; Michele Cocco, A relocatable ocean model in support of environmental emergencies, «OCEAN DYNAMICS», 2014, 64, pp. 667 - 688 [Scientific article]
F. Porcù; L. P. D’Adderio; F. Prodi; C. Caracciolo, Rain Drop Size Distribution over the Tibetan Plateau, «ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH», 2014, 150, pp. 21 - 30 [Scientific article]
F. Porcu'; L. Milani; M. Petracca, On the uncertainties in validating satellite instantaneous rainfall estimates with raingauge operational network, «ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH», 2014, 144, pp. 73 - 81 [Scientific article]
S. Puca; F. Porcù; A. Rinollo; G. Vulpiani; P. Baguis; S. Balabanova; E. Campione; A. Ertürk; S. Gabellani; R. Iwański; M. Jurašek; J. Kaňák; J. Kerényi; G. Koshinchanov; G. Kozinarova; P. Krahe; B. Łapeta; E. Lábó; L. Milani; Ľ. Okon; A. Öztopal; P. Pagliara; F. Pignone; C. Rachimow; N. Rebora; E. Roulin; İ. Sönmez; A. Toniazzo; D. Biron; D. Casella; E. Cattani; S. Dietrich; S. Laviola; V. Levizzani; D. Melfi; A. Mugnai; G. Panegrossi; M. Petracca; P. Sanò; F. Zauli; P. Rosci; L. De Leonibus; E. Agosta; F. Gattari, The validation service of the hydrological SAF geostationary and polar satellite precipitation products., «NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES», 2014, 14, pp. 871 - 889 [Scientific article]
Giampaolo Cristadoro; Thomas Gilbert; Marco Lenci; David P. Sanders, Transport properties of Lévy walks: An analysis in terms of multistate processes, «EUROPHYSICS LETTERS», 2014, 108, pp. 50002-p1 - 50002-p6 [Scientific article]
Giampaolo Cristadoro;Thomas Gilbert;Marco Lenci;David P. Sanders, Machta-Zwanzig regime of anomalous diffusion in infinite-horizon billiards, «PHYSICAL REVIEW E, STATISTICAL, NONLINEAR, AND SOFT MATTER PHYSICS», 2014, 90, pp. 050102-1 - 050102-5 [Scientific article]
Alessandra Campana;Tobias Cramer;Daniel T. Simon;Magnus Berggren;Fabio Biscarini, Electrocardiographic Recording with Conformable Organic Electrochemical Transistor Fabricated on Resorbable Bioscaffold, «ADVANCED MATERIALS», 2014, 26, pp. 3874 - 3878 [Scientific article]
Gualandi, I.; Marzocchi, M.; Scavetta, E.; Fraboni, B., Study of the stability in different aqueous mediums of polarized PEDOT:PSS, in: ., 2014, 1, pp. 159 - 159 (atti di: ICOE 2014, Modena, 11-13 giugno 2014) [Poster]
Gerald Mills, ; Di Sabatino, Silvana; Erell, Evyatar; Martilli, Alberto, Introduction to special issue, in: ICUC8: The 8th International Conference on Urban Climate and the 10th Symposium on the Urban Environment, Copenhagen, Alexander Baklanov; Matthias Ruth, 2014, pp. 201 - 203 [Preface]
Fraboni, B.; Ciavatti, A.; Basirico, L.; Fraleoni-Morgera, A., Organic semiconducting single crystals as solid-state sensors for ionizing radiation, «FARADAY DISCUSSIONS», 2014, 174, pp. 219 - 234 [Scientific article]
Soldano, Caterina; Stefani, Andrea; Biondo, Viviana; Basiricò, Laura; Turatti, Guido; Generali, Gianluca; Ortolani, Luca; Morandi, Vittorio; Veronese, Giulio Paolo; Rizzoli, Rita; Capelli, Raffaella; Muccini, Michele, ITO-Free Organic Light-Emitting Transistors with Graphene Gate Electrode, «ACS PHOTONICS», 2014, 1, pp. 1082 - 1088 [Scientific article]
Gabrielli, A; Bastianini, S; Crepaldi, M; D'Amen, G; Demarchi, D; Lax, I; Ros, P Motto; Zoccoli, G, Low power wireless ultra-wide band transmission of bio-signals, «JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION», 2014, 9, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]
Maggiotto, Giuseppe; Buccolieri, Riccardo; Santo, Marco; Di Sabatino, Silvana; Leo, L.S., Study of the urban heat island in Lecce (Italy) by means of ADMS and ENVI-MET, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION», 2014, 55, pp. 41 - 49 [Scientific article]
Shang, X.; Luca, M.D.; Pettinari, G.; Bisognin, G.; Amidani, L.; Fonda, E.; Boscherini, F.; Berti, M.; Ciatto, G., Quantitative determination of in clustering in In-rich InxGa1-xN thin films, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D. APPLIED PHYSICS», 2014, 47, pp. 415301-1 - 415301-7 [Scientific article]
Aad, G.; Abajyan, T.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdel Khalek, S.; Abdinov, O.; Aben, R.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; Abouzeid, O.S.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Abulaiti, Y.; Acharya, B.S.; Adamczyk, L.; Adams, D.L.; Addy, T.N.; Adelman, J.; Adomeit, S.; Adye, T.; Agatonovic-Jovin, T.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A.; Agustoni, M.; Ahlen, S.P.; Ahmad, A.; Ahmadov, F.; Aielli, G.; Akesson, T.P.A.; Akimoto, G.; Akimov, A.V.; Albert, J.; Albrand, S.; Alconada Verzini, M.J.; Aleksa, M.; Aleksandrov, I.N.; Alexa, C.; Alexander, G.; Alexandre, G.; Alexopoulos, T.; Alhroob, M.; Alimonti, G.; Alio, L.; Alison, J.; Allbrooke, B.M.M.; Allison, L.J.; Allport, P.P.; Allwood-Spiers, S.E.; Almond, J.; Aloisio, A.; Alon, R.; Alonso, A.; Alonso, F.; Alpigiani, C.; Altheimer, A.; Alvarez Gonzalez, B.; Alviggi, M.G.; Amako, K.; Amaral Coutinho, Y.; Amelung, C.; Amidei, D.; Ammosov, V.V.; Amor Dos Santos, S.P.; Amorim, A.; Amoroso, S.; Amram, N.; Amundsen, G.; Anastopoulos, C.; Ancu, L.S.; Andari, N.; Andeen, T.; Ander, Measurement of the production of a W boson in association with a charm quark in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2014, 2014, pp. 1 - 67 [Scientific article]
Vulcani, B.; Bundy, K.; Lackner, C.; Leauthaud, A.; Treu, T.; Mei, S.; Coccato, L.; Kneib, J.P.; Auger, M.; Nipoti, C., Understanding the unique assembly history of central group galaxies, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL», 2014, 797, pp. 1 - 19 [Scientific article]
Niu, G.; Schubert, M.A.; D'Acapito, F.; Zoellner, M.H.; Schroeder, T.; Boscherini, F., On the local electronic and atomic structure of Ce1-xPrxO2-δ epitaxial films on Si, «JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS», 2014, 116, pp. 123515-1 - 123515-9 [Scientific article]
Niu, G.; Hildebrandt, E.; Schubert, M.A.; Boscherini, F.; Zoellner, M.H.; Alff, L.; Walczyk, D.; Zaumseil, P.; Costina, I.; Wilkens, H.; Schroeder, T., Oxygen vacancy induced room temperature ferromagnetism in Pr-doped CeO2 thin films on silicon, «ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES», 2014, 6, pp. 17496 - 17505 [Scientific article]