Scientific publications
I. Davidzon;M. Bolzonella;J. Coupon;O. Ilbert;S. Arnouts;S. de la Torre;A. Fritz;G. De Lucia;A. Iovino;B. R. Granett;G. Zamorani;L. Guzzo;U. Abbas;C. Adami;J. Bel;D. Bottini;E. Branchini;A. Cappi;O. Cucciati;P. Franzetti;M. Fumana;B. Garilli;J. Krywult;V. Le Brun;O. Le Fèvre;D. Maccagni;K. Małek;F. Marulli;H. J. McCracken;L. Paioro;J. A. Peacock;M. Polletta;A. Pollo;H. Schlagenhaufer;M. Scodeggio;L. A. M. Tasca;R. Tojeiro;D. Vergani;A. Zanichelli;A. Burden;C. Di Porto;A. Marchetti;C. Marinoni;Y. Mellier;L. Moscardini;T. Moutard;R. C. Nichol;W. J. Percival;S. Phleps;M. Wolk, The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): A precise measurement of the galaxy stellar mass function and the abundance of massive galaxies at redshifts 0.5 < z < 1.3, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2013, 558, pp. A23 - a23 [Scientific article]
S. de la Torre;L. Guzzo;J. A. Peacock;E. Branchini;A. Iovino;B. R. Granett;U. Abbas;C. Adami;S. Arnouts;J. Bel;M. Bolzonella;D. Bottini;A. Cappi;J. Coupon;O. Cucciati;I. Davidzon;G. De Lucia;A. Fritz;P. Franzetti;M. Fumana;B. Garilli;O. Ilbert;J. Krywult;V. Le Brun;O. Le Fèvre;D. Maccagni;K. Małek;F. Marulli;H. J. McCracken;L. Moscardini;L. Paioro;W. J. Percival;M. Polletta;A. Pollo;H. Schlagenhaufer;M. Scodeggio;L. A. M. Tasca;R. Tojeiro;D. Vergani;A. Zanichelli;A. Burden;C. Di Porto;A. Marchetti;C. Marinoni;Y. Mellier;P. Monaco;R. C. Nichol;S. Phleps;M. Wolk;G. Zamorani, The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): Galaxy clustering and redshift-space distortions at z ≃ 0.8 in the first data release, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2013, 557, pp. A54 - A54 [Scientific article]
F. Marulli;M. Bolzonella;E. Branchini;I. Davidzon;S. de la Torre;B. R. Granett;L. Guzzo;A. Iovino;L. Moscardini;A. Pollo;U. Abbas;C. Adami;S. Arnouts;J. Bel;D. Bottini;A. Cappi;J. Coupon;O. Cucciati;G. De Lucia;A. Fritz;P. Franzetti;M. Fumana;B. Garilli;O. Ilbert;J. Krywult;V. Le Brun;O. Le Fèvre;D. Maccagni;K. Małek;H. J. McCracken;L. Paioro;M. Polletta;H. Schlagenhaufer;M. Scodeggio;L. A. M. Tasca;R. Tojeiro;D. Vergani;A. Zanichelli;A. Burden;C. Di Porto;A. Marchetti;C. Marinoni;Y. Mellier;R. C. Nichol;J. A. Peacock;W. J. Percival;S. Phleps;M. Wolk;G. Zamorani, The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): Luminosity and stellar mass dependence of galaxy clustering at 0.5 < z < 1.1, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2013, 557, pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]
K. Małek;A. Solarz;A. Pollo;A. Fritz;B. Garilli;M. Scodeggio;A. Iovino;B. R. Granett;U. Abbas;C. Adami;S. Arnouts;J. Bel;M. Bolzonella;D. Bottini;E. Branchini;A. Cappi;J. Coupon;O. Cucciati;I. Davidzon;G. De Lucia;S. de la Torre;P. Franzetti;M. Fumana;L. Guzzo;O. Ilbert;J. Krywult;V. Le Brun;O. Le Fevre;D. Maccagni;F. Marulli;H. J. McCracken;L. Paioro;M. Polletta;H. Schlagenhaufer;L. A. M. Tasca;R. Tojeiro;D. Vergani;A. Zanichelli;A. Burden;C. Di Porto;A. Marchetti;C. Marinoni;Y. Mellier;L. Moscardini;R. C. Nichol;J. A. Peacock;W. J. Percival;S. Phleps;M. Wolk;G. Zamorani, The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): A support vector machine classification of galaxies, stars, and AGNs, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2013, 557, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article]
C. De Boni;S. Ettori;K. Dolag;L. Moscardini, Hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters in dark energy cosmologies - II. c-M relation, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2013, 428, pp. 2921 - 2938 [Scientific article]
A. Marchetti;B. R. Granett;L. Guzzo;A. Fritz;B. Garilli;M. Scodeggio;U. Abbas;C. Adami;S. Arnouts;M. Bolzonella;D. Bottini;A. Cappi;J. Coupon;O. Cucciati;G. De Lucia;S. de la Torre;P. Franzetti;M. Fumana;O. Ilbert;A. Iovino;J. Krywult;V. Le Brun;O. Le Fevre;D. Maccagni;K. Malek;F. Marulli;H. J. McCracken;B. Meneux;L. Paioro;M. Polletta;A. Pollo;H. Schlagenhaufer;L. Tasca;R. Tojeiro;D. Vergani;A. Zanichelli;J. Bel;M. Bersanelli;J. Blaizot;E. Branchini;A. Burden;I. Davidzon;C. D. Porto;L. Guennou;C. Marinoni;Y. Mellier;L. Moscardini;R. C. Nichol;J. A. Peacock;W. J. Percival;S. Phleps;C. Schimd;M. Wolk;G. Zamorani, The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS): spectral classification through principal component analysis, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2013, 428, pp. 1424 - 1437 [Scientific article]
Bonafede A.; Vazza F.; Brüggen M.; Murgia M.; Govoni F.; Feretti L.; Giovannini G.; Ogrean G;, Measurements and simulation of Faraday rotation across the Coma radio relic, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY», 2013, 433, pp. 3208 - 3226 [Scientific article]
Gitti M.; Giroletti M.; Giovannini G.; Feretti L.; Liuzzo E.;, A candidate supermassive binary black hole system in the brightest cluster galaxy of RBS 797, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2013, 577, pp. 14 - 17 [Scientific article]
A. Cimatti;M. Brusa;M. Talia;M. Mignoli;G. Rodighiero;J. Kurk;P. Cassata;C. Halliday;A. Renzini;E. Daddi, ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEUS FEEDBACK ATz∼ 2 AND THE MUTUAL EVOLUTION OF ACTIVE AND INACTIVE GALAXIES, «THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS», 2013, 779, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]
D. J. Rosario;B. Trakhtenbrot;D. Lutz;H. Netzer;J. R. Trump;J. D. Silverman;M. Schramm;E. Lusso;S. Berta;A. Bongiorno;M. Brusa;N. M. Förster-Schreiber;R. Genzel;S. Lilly;B. Magnelli;V. Mainieri;R. Maiolino;A. Merloni;M. Mignoli;R. Nordon;P. Popesso;M. Salvato;P. Santini;L. J. Tacconi;G. Zamorani, The mean star-forming properties of QSO host galaxies, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2013, 560, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]
L. Brizi; P. Fantazzini, Internal structure of porous media studied by the apparent water self-diffucion coefficient in the field gradient of a portable single-sided NMR instrument, in: Proceedings International Conference Built Heritage 2013 (BH2013) Monitoring Conservation, Management, Milano, M. Boriani, 2013, pp. 1191 - 1194 (atti di: Proceedings International Conference Built Heritage 2013 (BH2013) Monitoring Conservation, Management, Milano, 18 Novembre 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
T. Venturi;M. Rossetti;S. Bardelli;S. Giacintucci;D. Dallacasa;M. Cornacchia;N. G. Kantharia, Radio emission at the centre of the galaxy cluster Abell 3560: evidence for core sloshing?, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2013, 558, pp. A146 - A158 [Scientific article]
Dario Benedetto; Mirko Degli Esposti; Giulio Maspero, The Puzzle of Basil’s Epistula 38: A Mathematical Approach to a Philological Problem, «JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE LINGUISTICS», 2013, 20, pp. 267 - 287 [Scientific article]
Dario Benedetto; Mirko Degli Esposti; Giulio Maspero, Authorship Attribution and Small Scales Analysis Applied to a Real Philological Problem in Greek Patristics, in: Methods and Applications of Quantitative Linguistics, Belgrade, ACADEMIC MIND, 2013, pp. 11 - 21 (atti di: 8th International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics (QUALICO), Belgrade, Serbia, 26-29 april 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Mauro Villa, Global characteristics of the proton-lead collisions in ATLAS, «POS PROCEEDINGS OF SCIENCE», 2013, EPS-HEP 2013, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]
G. Aad; E. Abat; B. Abbott; J. Abdallah; A.A. Abdelalim; A. Abdesselam; O. Abdinov; B. Abi; M. Abolins; H. Abramowicz; H. Abreu; E. Acerbi; B.S. Acharya; M. Ackers; D.L. Adams; T.N. Addy; J. Adelman; M. Aderholz; C. Adorisio; P. Adragna; T. Adye; S. Aefsky; J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra; M. Aharrouche; S.P. Ahlen; F. Ahles; A. Ahmad; H. Ahmed; M. Ahsan; G. Aielli; T. Akdogan; P.F. Akesson; T.P.A. Akesson; G. Akimoto; A.V. Akimov; A. Aktas; M.S. Alam; M.A. Alam; J. Albert; S. Albrand; M. Aleksa; I.N. Aleksandrov; M. Aleppo; F. Alessandria; C. Alexa; G. Alexander; G. Alexandre; T. Alexopoulos; M. Alhroob; M. Aliev; G. Alimonti; J. Alison; M. Aliyev; P.P. Allport; S.E. Allwood-Spiers; J. Almond; A. Aloisio; R. Alon; A. Alonso; J. Alonso; M.G. Alviggi; K. Amako; P. Amaral; G. Ambrosini; G. Ambrosio; C. Amelung; V.V. Ammosov; A. Amorim; G. Amoros; N. Amram; C. Anastopoulos; T. Andeen; C.F. Anders; K.J. Anderson; A. Andreazza; V. Andrei; M.-L. Andrieux; X.S. Anduaga; A. Angerami; F. Anghinolfi; N. , Search for charginos nearly mass degenerate with the lightest neutralino based on a disappearing-track signature in pp collisions at (√s)=8 TeV with the ATLAS detector, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2013, 88, pp. 112006-1 - 112006-23 [Scientific article]
G. Aad; E. Abat; B. Abbott; J. Abdallah; A.A. Abdelalim; A. Abdesselam; O. Abdinov; B. Abi; M. Abolins; H. Abramowicz; H. Abreu; E. Acerbi; B.S. Acharya; M. Ackers; D.L. Adams; T.N. Addy; J. Adelman; M. Aderholz; C. Adorisio; P. Adragna; T. Adye; S. Aefsky; J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra; M. Aharrouche; S.P. Ahlen; F. Ahles; A. Ahmad; H. Ahmed; M. Ahsan; G. Aielli; T. Akdogan; P.F. Akesson; T.P.A. Akesson; G. Akimoto; A.V. Akimov; A. Aktas; M.S. Alam; M.A. Alam; J. Albert; S. Albrand; M. Aleksa; I.N. Aleksandrov; M. Aleppo; F. Alessandria; C. Alexa; G. Alexander; G. Alexandre; T. Alexopoulos; M. Alhroob; M. Aliev; G. Alimonti; J. Alison; M. Aliyev; P.P. Allport; S.E. Allwood-Spiers; J. Almond; A. Aloisio; R. Alon; A. Alonso; J. Alonso; M.G. Alviggi; K. Amako; P. Amaral; G. Ambrosini; G. Ambrosio; C. Amelung; V.V. Ammosov; A. Amorim; G. Amoros; N. Amram; C. Anastopoulos; T. Andeen; C.F. Anders; K.J. Anderson; A. Andreazza; V. Andrei; M.-L. Andrieux; X.S. Anduaga; A. Angerami; F. Anghinolfi; N. , Search for long-lived stopped R-hadrons decaying out of time with pp collisions using the ATLAS detector, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D, PARTICLES, FIELDS, GRAVITATION, AND COSMOLOGY», 2013, 88, pp. 112003-1 - 112003-30 [Scientific article]
M. Gitti, The puzzling radio source in the cool core cluster A2626, «MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. LETTERS», 2013, 436, pp. L84 - L88 [Scientific article]
S. Ettori;F. Gastaldello;M. Gitti;E. O’Sullivan;M. Gaspari;F. Brighenti;L. David;A. C. Edge, Cold fronts and metal anisotropies in the X-ray cool core of the galaxy cluster Zw 1742+3306, «ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS», 2013, 555, pp. A93 - A101 [Scientific article]
S. Adrián-Martínez;A. Albert;I. Al Samarai;M. André;M. Anghinolfi;G. Anton;S. Anvar;M. Ardid;T. Astraatmadja;J.-J. Aubert;B. Baret;J. Barrios-Martí;S. Basa;V. Bertin;S. Biagi;C. Bigongiari;C. Bogazzi;B. Bouhou;M. C. Bouwhuis;R. Bruijn;J. Brunner;J. Busto;A. Capone;L. Caramete;C. Cârloganu;J. Carr;S. Cecchini;Z. Charif;Ph. Charvis;T. Chiarusi;M. Circella;F. Classen;L. Core;H. Costantini;P. Coyle;A. Creusot;C. Curtil;I. Dekeyser;A. Deschamps;G. Bonis;M. P. Decowski;C. Distefano;C. Donzaud;D. Dornic;Q. Dorosti;D. Drouhin;A. Dumas;T. Eberl;U. Emanuele;A. Enzenhöfer;J.-P. Ernenwein;S. Escoffier;K. Fehn;P. Fermani;V. Flaminio;F. Folger;U. Fritsch;L. A. Fusco;S. Galatà;P. Gay;S. Geißelsöder;K. Geyer;G. Giacomelli;V. Giordano;A. Gleixner;J. P. Gómez-González;K. Graf;G. Guillard;H. Haren;A. J. Heijboer;Y. Hello;J. J. Hernández-Rey;B. Herold;J. Hößl;C. W. James;M. Jong;M. Kadler;O. Kalekin;A. Kappes;U. Katz;P. Kooijman;A. Kouchner;I. Kreykenbohm;V. Kulikovskiy;R. Lahmann;E. Lambar, Measurement of the atmospheric ν μ energy spectrum from 100 GeV to 200 TeV with the ANTARES telescope, «THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. C, PARTICLES AND FIELDS», 2013, 73, pp. 2606 - 2606-12 [Scientific article]